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How to Borrow

Step 1: Asset Originators need to propose the loan terms with the loan conditions (loan amount, repayments, term, interest rates etc) with credit data about the real world assets to be used as a collateral for the loan. Step 2: Underwriters network access the credit data and publish the reports indicating the credit default risks, approval, interest rates etc. If they are approved, following steps would happen Step 3: Asset Originators tokenize their assets on Qiro's tokenization platform. Step 4: Asset Originators would be onboarded and a lending pool would be created with tranching structure, interest rate decided and the pool will go live for capital infusion from investors. Step 5: Once the pool is fulfilled, Borrower can withdraw the capital from the pool. Step 6: Asset Originators will repay principal + interest amount as per the schedule.

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