πŸ“ŽUnderwriting network features

Asset Originators in RWA backed loans are off-chain entities, there doesn't exist any connection between lending smart contracts and off-chain ledgers. By creating native credit infrastructure Qiro enables transparent risk management at protocol level. Features of underwriting network

  1. Unbiased: Multiple underwriter nodes independently run risk models on borrower data enabling unbiased risk assessment.

  2. Verifiable: Qiro’s underwriting happens in verifiable, data driven risk compute network. Currently using external compute providers, we’ll be shifting to own compute infra in V2 later this year.

  3. Skin in the game: Underwriter take the first loss position aligning their rewards with loan success(repayments)

  4. Reputation based system :- Every time an underwriter evaluate the loans they earn reputation points based on the overall loan performance which increase their ability to underwrite bigger loans in future.

  5. Scalable: By having multiple underwriters Qiro can scale seamlessly to multiple borrower use-cases spanning different asset classes and geographies.

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